Long Buckby Infant School

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Welcome to our page where you can find out about what we have been doing at school.

Our theme began with the arrival of our very own caterpillars! We will observe them closely and see what happens next.  


This term our theme is animals. To start off our learning journey we had a visit from lots of wonderful animals! We had great fun feeding and stroking them. We also found out some interesting facts about them. 




We have been improving our drawing skills by following simple steps to draw animals. We have been watching the 'Draw with Rob' tutorials by the artist Rob Biddulph. 



We have been practising our lacing and weaving skills and created weaved baskets like Handa's from 'Handa's surprise'. We spoke about how this is a different way of carrying fruit compared to us using carrier bags in England. We also spoke about other differences between England and Africa such as the weather and looked at where Africa is on a world map. 


On the last day, we had an animal themed day with a rotation of 4 activities: colouring in a large-scale under water animal picture, creating our own puppet shows with animals, animal charades and creating funny animals on the 'animal muddle' app. We had a lovely time! 



When we came back to school, poor vegetables had be stuck around the classrooms by ‘Evil Pea’ from Supertato! We made wanted posters to try and catch him.



On World Book Day, we enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book characters! Our teachers dressed up as the characters from Supertato! We had a go at making our own Supertatoes using real potatoes.



We had a superhero training day where we came to school in our capes and completed 5 training activities. The first was an obstacle course to develop our super speed! The second was target practise to improve our accuracy. The third was to rescue the teddy from the laser beam trap to help us be stealthy. The fourth was to use a parachute to get better at working as a team. The fifth was to dodge the evil peas using cricket bats to refine our defence skills. When we had finished our training we were awarded certificates! 




In the afternoon, we had a snack full of 'super' foods! Each fruit gave us a special super power. We spotted the Evil Pea hiding in the grapes! We had a fantastic day. 



When the children came back to school, they found big footprints and a messy classroom! They shared their ideas about what creature they thought had made the mess and then we checked our cameras to find out what it was and it was a… dinosaur! 


The children used different materials to decorate large dinosaurs. They looked carefully at a model to think about what colours they needed to use and where to put them. 


We discussed what we already knew about dinosaurs and what we would like to find out. We talked about how we could find out more. We could look in non-fiction books, ask an expert, go to a museum or look on the computer. After we found out some information, we wrote our own dinosaur facts. 


We thought carefully about what a dinosaur habitat would have been like and what they would need to survive. We talked about what we have now that the dinosaurs did not have such as houses and cars. We drew pictures of a dinosaur habitat. 


We made dinosaur cupcakes, decorations and headbands for a dinosaur party on the last day of term and we had a special visitor which was very exciting! 




In the second half term, the children will be exploring trains and other types of transport. We will be constructing wheeled vehicles, looking at maps and labelling different types of transport! 


We have been exploring maps and have compared maps of a zoo, Long Buckby and London. We discussed why people use maps and had a go at drawing our own to show our journey to school. We looked at how symbols are used to mark where places are rather than detailed drawings.




We have been learning about how people celebrate with fireworks! We learnt about Diwali and Bonfire night and talked about how they are similar and different. We designed our own mehndi patterns on hands, drew Rangoli patterns on the patio outside, drew fireworks with chalk on black paper, created bonfires using handprints and ate edible sparklers! We wrote down 'noises' that fireworks make such as pop and bang using the sounds we have learnt in phonics. In Forest School, we created natural artwork of bonfires and shooting star fireworks using sticks and autumn leaves. 


In the first half term, the children will be talking about themselves and what makes them unique. They will be looking at photographs of their family and thinking about who is special to them and why. They will be involved in group activities with their peers, getting to know each other better and settling in to school life. Let the fun begin! 


In Forest School, we have been making our own mud paint and painting the trees, digging using small tools, climbing and making things in the mud kitchen! The children have had lots of fun exploring using their senses. 




The children have been exploring the different areas of the setting and getting to know each other whilst having fun! 




We have been discussing the change in season and the children have made the most beautiful leaves using salt dough! They have painted them using autumnal colours and we have added them to our displays in the classrooms.